Contracts and Insurance
Facility Placement Agreement
Occupational Therapy students are assigned to fieldwork placements only at facilities that have a signed Affiliation or Placement Agreement with the Faculty of Medicine and/or Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto. This agreement specifies in writing the terms of the relationship between the fieldwork facility and the university. The agreement also outlines the University’s responsibility for maintaining comprehensive liability insurance for the actions of its Student Occupational Therapists during fieldwork experience.
All Occupational Therapists who supervise students must have at least one year of clinical experience, be a member in good standing of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario (or the equivalent if placement is in another province or country) and be eligible for membership with CAOT.
Student Accident/Injury Insurance
The Government of Ontario, through the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities (MTCU), pays the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) for the insurance coverage of student trainees enrolled in an “approved program” at the training agency (University of Toronto) during unpaid work placements with employers that have WSIB coverage for their employees. MTCU also covers the cost of private insurance with ACE-INA for Student Trainees whose placement is with employers that are not required to have WSIB coverage for their employees. Coverage is in effect from the start date of the unpaid work placement to its end.
MTCU Guidelines, Questions and Answers and Claim Form
Download MTCU guidelines and claim form
Student Trainees are eligible for accident/injury insurance:
If the work placement is a program requirement; and
If the Unpaid Work Placement is arranged or authorized by the University of Toronto as a requirement of the Student Trainee’s Approved Program to gain required work skills and experience.
Student Trainees are not eligible for accident/injury insurance:
If the program is not funded through MTCU operating grants; or
If the placement is not a required part of their program and they have arranged or organized it themselves; or
If they are paid a salary by the Placement Employer; or
If as part of their program they do unpaid research.
It is recognized that some students will travel with or without their preceptors to visit clients in the community. As long as the student is travelling from the fieldwork site to the clients’ homes the student will be covered by WSIB in case of accident. The program does not cover the “break” travel time when the student is not visiting clients or the student is getting to and from work.
Each fieldwork facility that takes students must sign a declaration letter which states that students are covered by WSIB and if the student is injured during an unpaid clinical placement that they will report it to the university. Students are required to complete a similar declaration of understanding. The signing of this form by the student confirms that they are aware of their WSIB coverage while on unpaid placements that are part of their academic program. These forms are kept at the university.
Should a student trainee be injured or contract a disease while on an unpaid work placement, the University of Toronto is required to disclose personal information relating to the claim to the MTCU, WSIB or ACE-INA Insurance. Student trainees are required to report all accidents/incidents both to their placement employer (immediate supervisor) and to the training agency (OS&OT Fieldwork Office) within 24 hours.
During an international placement, students are to immediately contact the Safety Abroad Office for any accidents, illness, theft and breach of security, harassment or sexual assault, etc. Safety Abroad Office has 24 hour assistance accessed by phoning 416-978-2222. They will take a collect call. Students are also asked to contact the International Fieldwork Coordinator, Director of Clinical Education and the Administrative Assistant – Clinical Education via email as soon as possible after the incident.
Student Accident Procedures and Reporting
Fieldwork Accident or Injury Procedure at a Clinical site with WSIB Coverage
In the event of an accident during a placement, students are required to:
Promptly obtain first aid
Report the accident to their preceptor at the facility
See doctor or delegate to receive additional medical documentation about the injury
Choose a doctor or other qualified practitioner, if required, with the understanding that a change in doctor cannot be made without the permission of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
Contact the University Fieldwork Office regarding any accident or injuries while on placement
Complete and promptly return all forms received from the WSIB
Each fieldwork facility that takes students must sign a declaration letter which states that students are covered by WSIB and if the student is injured during an unpaid clinical placement that they will report it to the university. Students are required to complete a similar declaration of understanding. The signing of this form by the student confirms that they are aware of their WSIB coverage while on unpaid placements that are part of their academic program. These forms will be kept at the university.
In the event of an accident, the fieldwork facility is required to:
Ensure that first aid is given immediately and provide transportation to a hospital, doctor’s office or the student’s home, if necessary
Complete and sign the Student on Unpaid Work Placements Accident Report.
The above form is to be faxed within two business days to the University WSIB Administrator. As well, a copy of the form is to be forwarded to the University Fieldwork Office.
A number of documents need to be forwarded to the UofT WSIB administrator. These include:
confirmation that the student placement during which the injury occurred was a legitimate placement i.e. part of the students academic program and unpaid
a completed U of T Accident Report form
a completed Letter of Authorization to Represent Employer form
a copy of the completed Student Declaration of Understanding
The clinical site needs to be available to liaise with the OS&OT Director of Clinical Education to submit the above forms.
Fieldwork Accident or Injury Procedure at a Clinical site without WSIB coverage
The procedure in the event of an accident during a placement is:
The student is to promptly obtain first aid
The student is to report the accident to the preceptor at the facility
See doctor or delegate to receive additional medical documentation about the injury
Choose a doctor or other qualified practitioner, if required
The student is to report the accident to the University Fieldwork Instructor
The preceptor is to complete the claim forms and forward to the university, who will forward the claim forms to ACE INA Insurance.
A number of documents need to be forwarded to the UofT WSIB administrator. These include:
confirmation that the student placement during which the injury occurred was a legitimate placement i.e. part of the students’ academic program and unpaid
a completed ACE INA Accident Report form
a completed Letter of Authorization to Represent Employer form
a copy of the completed Student Declaration of Understanding
The clinical site needs to be available to liaise with the OS&OT Director of Clinical Education to submit the above
Accident Reporting – WSIB Covered Placement Employers
(Report to Training Agency within 24 hours)
Student Trainee and Placement Employer must complete and sign the Postsecondary Student Unpaid Work Placement Workplace Insurance Claim form (download here).
Placement Employer must complete the University of Toronto Placement Student Incident Report. Information must include who, when, where and how the work-related injury/disease occurred.
Placement Employer must complete the Letter of Authorization to Represent the Placement Employer.
Accident Reporting – Non-WSIB Covered Placement Employers
(Report to Training Agency within 24 hours)
Student Trainee and Placement Employer must complete and sign the Postsecondary Student Unpaid Work Placement Workplace Insurance Claim form (download here).
Placement Employer must complete the ACE-INA Accident Report. Information must include who, when, where and how the work-related injury/disease occurred.
The clinical site should liaise with the occupational therapy fieldwork office/Instructor to submit the above forms.
Liability Insurance Coverage
The University maintains a policy of comprehensive, general liability insurance on behalf of students against malpractice, personal injury or property claims against the student.
During fieldwork placements, students are required to follow the policies and procedures of the facility to which they have been assigned. This includes policies and procedures pertaining to safety, emergency procedures, client confidentiality, etc.