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Welcome to University of Toronto Occupational Therapy Fieldwork!

This Fieldwork Manual is designed for students and fieldwork partners and provides details about the structure of the fieldwork program, fieldwork policies and procedures, and university expectations for student behaviour while on fieldwork. The Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy (OS&OT) at the University of Toronto follows the Canadian Guidelines for Fieldwork Education in Occupational Therapy.  This document is included in this manual for easy reference.  This manual also includes information regarding professional standards as outlined by the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists and the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario.  Students are expected to know and follow these standards, in addition to student-specific guidelines developed by the University of Toronto.  Also contained in this manual is fieldwork administrative information regarding health policies such as immunization requirements, contracts and insurance, fieldwork requirements and selection process, pre-placement communication, fieldwork objectives, and the fieldwork evaluation process.


Please see Fieldwork Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS (with quick links) below.


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Fieldwork Manual Table of Contents



Canadian Guidelines for Fieldwork Education

U of T Fieldwork Program Components

Student Fieldwork Requirements

Contracts, Insurance, Student Accident or Injury

Professional Behaviour on Fieldwork

Fieldwork Procedures

Out-of-Catchment Placements

Fieldwork Evaluation

Fieldwork Forms

Fieldwork Resources

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